
When three become four

I feel so blessed that we welcomed our second little boy into the family a few months ago. The journey to our second little blessing was definitely a lot harder than our first, which I talked about in a previous post here. I also talked about how different being pregnant is when you have a toddler in my post here.

However having a new baby is also so different if they have an older sibling that’s a toddler.

Toddlers don’t have indoor voices, so inevitably end up shouting everything at you. Which I never noticed until you have a sleeping baby in your arms! Baby never naps well when our toddler is around.

Toddlers need to go to the toilet at the worst times. Usually mid baby feed. And you learn quickly that when a toddler needs to go….. they REALLY need to go! So you gotta jump and go! 🙂

If you have a creche Toddler the likelihood is they will carry so many viruses back to the house. Our baby has had a headcold at 8 weeks and Bronchiolitus at 14 weeks. Its so hard to watch as they are so young! When our toddler was a baby he didn’t get sick until he was 8 months! Nasal spray will become your best friend for baby as you battle the viruses.

You develop a very strong non-dominate arm as you try do everything with your toddler one handed.

On my first baby if he woke for a feed at 4.30 or later I could go back to sleep until 7. But our toddler is usually awake at 6, so no point in sleeping for 30 mins (you wake mid-sleep cycle and often more tired). So my day starts anywhere between 4.30 and 6 depending on feeds.

Your toddler (who was your little baby before) suddenly looks so grown up!

There is nothing more amazing than seeing your toddler give baby a kiss and a cuddle or watch baby being fascinated by his big brother.

Life with two kids is definitely more exhausting but so much more rewarding! 💗